
I'm a big fan of Redux. I had been used Redux for two years. It's concept is perfect but i don't like something in Redux.

Pure Reducer

I know pure is good(eg. suitable for test and debug). But it's a little tied to separate a impure action to two files(reducer and middleware). It's more convenient for me or other people to write the impure actions in most scenarios. Pure and Impure has its own advantages. I tend to write impure ”reducer“ due to the es7 asynchronous function.

Dialog problem

Imagine you have a page A and a component Dialog rendered in A. In A, you have a button that want to tell Dialog to open. Now switch page A to page B, you should to unmount Dialog.

How do you do this with redux?

In Redux way, you need to initialize a Dialog state in redux store. But if switch A to B, Dialog has unmounted, the Dialog state is still in redux store. It's the problem.

In Ractor way, we can dynamic mount and unmount the "reducer".

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